ISO4217 or Currency Details

Payum provides ability to get currency details listed in ISO4217 specification. To get this information you have to execute a GetCurrency request with a currency code.


$gateway = $container->get('payum')->getGatewayFactory('offline')->create();

$gateway->execute($currency = new \Payum\Core\GetCurrency('USD'));

echo $currency->getAlpha3();  // USD
echo $currency->getName();    // US Dollar
echo $currency->getExp();     // 2
echo $currency->getCountry(); // US

// and so on...

Or inside another action:


class FooAction extends GatewayAwareAction
    public function execute($request)
        $this->gateway->execute($currency = new \Payum\Core\GetCurrency('USD'));

Or directly using the Currency class:


use Payum\Core\ISO4217\Currency;

$currency = Currency::createFromIso4217Alpha3('USD');

echo $currency->getAlpha3();  // USD
echo $currency->getName();    // US Dollar
echo $currency->getExp();     // 2
echo $currency->getCountry(); // US

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