Klarna Invoice


Note: We assume you followed all steps in get it started and your basic configuration same as described there.

Download libraries

Run the following command:

$ php composer.phar require "payum/klarna-invoice:@stable"

Configure gateway


            factory: klarna_invoice
            secret: 'EDIT ME'
            eid: 'EDIT ME'
            sandbox: true

Attention: You have to changed your_gateway_name to something more descriptive and domain related, for example post_a_job_with_klarna.

Prepare payment

Now we are ready to prepare the payment. Here we set price, currency, cart items details and so on. Please note that you have to set details in the payment gateway specific format.

namespace AcmeDemoBundle\Controller;

use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request;

class PaymentController extends Controller
    public function prepareKlarnaInvoiceAction()
        $gatewayName = 'your_gateway_name';

        $storage = $this->get('payum')->getStorage('Acme\PaymentBundle\Entity\PaymentDetails');

        /** @var \Acme\PaymentBundle\Entity\PaymentDetails $details */
        $payment = $payum->getPayment($paymentName);
        $payment->execute($getAddresses = new GetAddresses($pno));

        $details = $storage->create();
        $details = array(
            /** @link http://developers.klarna.com/en/testing/invoice-and-account */
            'pno' => '410321-9202',
            'amount' => -1,
            'gender' => \KlarnaFlags::MALE,
            'articles' => array(
                    'qty' => 4,
                    'artNo' => 'HANDLING',
                    'title' => 'Handling fee',
                    'price' => '50.99',
                    'vat' => '25',
                    'discount' => '0',
                    'flags' => \KlarnaFlags::INC_VAT | \KlarnaFlags::IS_HANDLING
            'billing_address' => $getAddresses->getFirstAddress()->toArray(),
            'shipping_address' => $getAddresses->getFirstAddress()->toArray(),

        $captureToken = $this->getTokenFactory()->createCaptureToken(

        return $this->redirect($captureToken->getTargetUrl());

That's it. After the payment done you will be redirect to acme_payment_done action. Check this chapter to find out how this done action could look like.

Next Step

Supporting Payum

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Last updated