Container tags

The bundle supports\reuse several Symfony container tags. You may find them useful too.

Gateway tag

The tag payum.gateway could be used if you want to register your service as a gateway gateway. The service must implement Payum\Core\GatewayInterface.

# app/config/config.yml

        class: Payum\Core\Gateway
        public: true
            - { name: payum.gateway, gateway: foo }


  • factory - define if you want later add actions or extensions to all gateways created by this factory.

  • gateway - define if you want later add actions or extensions to this gateway.

Action tag

The tag payum.action could be used if you want to register your service as an action. The service must implement Payum\Core\Action\ActionInterface.

# app/config/config.yml

        class: Payum\Core\Action\ActionInterface
        public: true
            - { name: payum.action, factory: foo, gateway: bar, all: true, alias: foo, prepend: false }


  • factory - define if you want to add the action to gateways created by the factory with given name.

  • gateway - define if you want to add the action to a gateway with given name

  • all - define if you want to add the action to all gateways

  • prepend - define if you want your action to be put at the beginning.

  • alias - you can use alias if you' like to overwrite the default action or add a good looking name

Api tag

The tag payum.api could be used if you want to register your service as an api. The service could be any object.

# app/config/config.yml

        class: Acme\Payum\FooApi
        public: true
            - { name: payum.api, factory: foo, gateway: bar, all: true, alias: foo, prepend: false }


  • factory - define if you want to add the extension to gateways created by the factory with given name.

  • gateway - define if you want to add the extension to a gateway with given name

  • all - define if you want to add the extension to all gateways

  • prepend - define if you want your extension to be put at the beginning.

  • alias - you can use alias if you' like to overwrite the default action or add a good looking name

Extension tag

The tag payum.extension could be used if you want to register your service as an extension. The service must implement Payum\Core\Extension\ExtensionInterface.

# app/config/config.yml

        class: Payum\Core\Extension\ExtensionInterface
        public: true
            - { name: payum.extension, factory: foo, gateway: bar, all: true, alias: foo, prepend: false }


  • factory - define if you want to add the extension to gateways created by the factory with given name.

  • gateway - define if you want to add the extension to a gateway with given name

  • all - define if you want to add the extension to all gateways

  • prepend - define if you want your extension to be put at the beginning.

  • alias - you can use alias if you' like to overwrite the default action or add a good looking name

Gateway factory tag

The tag payum.gateway_factory could be used if you want to register your service as a gateway factory. The service must implement Payum\Core\GatewayFactoryInterface.

# app/config/config.yml

        class: Payum\Core\GatewayFactory
        public: true
            - { name: payum.gateway_factory, factory: foo }


  • name - The name of the factory

  • human_name - The name shown to humans, in the backend for example.

Supporting Payum

Payum is an MIT-licensed open source project with its ongoing development made possible entirely by the support of community and our customers. If you'd like to join them, please consider:

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