In this chapter we describe the basic steps you have to follow to set up recurring payments. We will use weather subscription as example. Subscription costs $0.05 per day and would last for 7 days.
Recurring payments require two additional models: First, one would contain agreement details and the second one recurring payment details. Let's define them:
namespace App\Model;
class AgreementDetails extends \ArrayObject
And recurring payment details model:
namespace App\Model;
class RecurringPaymentDetails extends \ArrayObject
Now we have to adjust config.php to support paypal recurring payments:
use Payum\Core\Storage\FilesystemStorage;
$agreementClass = 'App\Model\AgreementDetails';
$recurringPaymentClass = 'App\Model\RecurringPaymentDetails';
$storages[$agreementClass] = new FilesystemStorage(
$storages[$recurringPaymentClass] = new FilesystemStorage(
Establish agreement (prepare.php)
A user has to agree to be charged periodically. For this we have to create an agreement with him.
include __DIR__.'/config.php';
use Payum\Paypal\ExpressCheckout\Nvp\Api;
/** @var \ArrayObject $agreementClass */
/** @var \Payum\Core\Payum $payum */
$storage = $payum->getStorage($agreementClass);
$agreement = $storage->create();
$agreement['PAYMENTREQUEST_0_AMT'] = 0; // For an initial amount to be charged please add it here, eg $10 setup fee
$agreement['L_BILLINGAGREEMENTDESCRIPTION0'] = "Insert some description here";
$agreement['NOSHIPPING'] = 1;
$captureToken = $payum->getTokenFactory()->createCaptureToken('paypal', $agreement, 'create_recurring_payment.php');
header("Location: ".$captureToken->getTargetUrl());
This script is pretty similar to an ordinary purchase. The only difference here is that we set some special options to agreementDetails. The rest is the same. Create capture token. The 'done' token in this example is renamed to createRecurringPaymentToken. This is because we have one more step to do before we can go to done.php.
Create recurring payment
After capture has done it's job and the agreement has been created we are redirected back to the create_recurring_payment.php script. Here we will check the status of the agreement and if it has been accepted: create a recurring payment. After everything is complete we should redirect the user to a safe page - the page that shows payment details could be a good starting place.
// create_recurring_payment.php
use Payum\Core\Request\Sync;
use Payum\Core\Request\GetHumanStatus;
use Payum\Paypal\ExpressCheckout\Nvp\Request\Api\CreateRecurringPaymentProfile;
use Payum\Paypal\ExpressCheckout\Nvp\Api;
include __DIR__.'/config.php';
/** @var \ArrayObject $recurringPaymentClass */
/** @var \Payum\Core\Payum $payum */
$token = $payum->getHttpRequestVerifier()->verify($_REQUEST);
$gateway = $payum->getGateway($token->getGatewayName());
$agreementStatus = new GetHumanStatus($token);
if (!$agreementStatus->isCaptured()) {
header('HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request', true, 400);
$agreement = $agreementStatus->getModel();
$storage = $payum->getStorage($recurringPaymentClass);
$recurringPayment = $storage->create();
$recurringPayment['TOKEN'] = $agreement['TOKEN'];
$recurringPayment['DESC'] = 'Subscribe to weather forecast for a week. It is 0.05$ per day.'; // Desc must match agreement 'L_BILLINGAGREEMENTDESCRIPTION' in prepare.php
$recurringPayment['EMAIL'] = $agreement['EMAIL'];
$recurringPayment['AMT'] = 0.05;
$recurringPayment['CURRENCYCODE'] = 'USD';
$recurringPayment['BILLINGFREQUENCY'] = 7;
$recurringPayment['PROFILESTARTDATE'] = date(DATE_ATOM);
$gateway->execute(new CreateRecurringPaymentProfile($recurringPayment));
$gateway->execute(new Sync($recurringPayment));
$doneToken = $payum->getTokenFactory()->createToken('paypal', $recurringPayment, 'done.php');
header("Location: " . $doneToken->getTargetUrl());
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